THRIIVE Membership

The ultimate whole-life wellness on-the-go. Strengthen, ignite, and heal in bodymind, and spirit. The perfect way to live fully from home or on the road, all for less than $5 per live session with loads of content completely free.

Our online schedule focuses on finding the balance between brave strength and focused stillness. Move with us live or on-demand. Your membership includes access to a huge library of sessions, including our live sessions which are archived for you. Watch for more chances to move and learn online and in person together! 

  • Live Zoom sessions Monday and Wednesday at 6 AM for 60 minutes, and Friday mornings at 6:15 aM with Ritual Yogahouse.
  • VIP access to our dashboard featuring workouts of every length and style, gentle/restorative movement and breath practices, wellness tools, and so much more.
  • Priority access to THRIIVELAB’s in-person workshops and series! The current schedule is here.
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